Sunday, September 29, 2013

At all Times, in all Things, in all Places

This weekend I was scheduled to work at the nursing home. Although I wasn't too excited about waking up at 5:30 in the morning and working 9 hour shifts, I was excited to see the residents who have become some of my favorite people on earth. And today I was able to participate in Sunday worship with them.

That is an experience all its own and I loved every part of it. As part of the daily routine, we got everyone dressed, ate breakfast and then set up for Sacrament meeting. It was so cute to see the men dressed up in their Sunday best, their hair combed to the side. One of my favorite guys (who also happens to remind me of the guy from the movie "UP") wore a three piece suit and a bow tie! It was adorable. It just made me so happy to see the residents do what they could to make Sunday a special day.

Well, around 10 o'clock other members from the stake came to the Home to join the residents in Sacrament meeting. Although I had to keep working and cleaning, I would peek in to watch the residents. When the opening song started, I watched them open their hymn books and sing along. Some of them had to hold the books 2 inches away from their faces so they could read and others didn't even need books because they had the hymns memorized. And then of course there were a few who slept through the entire meeting haha.

But can you picture it? Here are these sweet, childlike members who are still devoted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ even after 80 years in the church, even when they have a choice to stay in their room, even when they might not be able to hear or see the speakers, even when they might be in pain or can't keep their eyes open long enough to stay awake. They still choose to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things and in all places. The sight of them worshipping their God and their Savior with smiles on their faces made me tear up. The Spirit was so strong and my testimony was strengthened. There's just something about the Spirit that makes it hard not to smile.

The other caregivers and I paused our work to sit in for the passing of the Sacrament. There were two Priesthood holders who prepared and blessed the Sacrament tokens and then one Deacon who passed them to the congregation. It was cute because we had to gently wake up a few of the residents so they could partake of the ordinance haha, but otherwise everyone else seemed eager to participate. Watching them reminded me that Christ's atoning sacrifice really is for everyone, no matter how old they are or where they come from. God understands each of us perfectly and appreciates every little effort we make to better ourselves and come closer to Him. I will never forget what I experienced today and I look forward to the many more Sundays I will spend with these sweet children of God.

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