Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Working for Change

I'm officially a Registered Nurse!
Nothing much has happened since my last post. . . Jordan's been working really hard at two jobs, six days a week. As for me, now that I've passed the dreaded NCLEX and am now an RN I've been applying to as many nursing positions as possible but I haven't heard anything except for two rejections. That's it. I guess I thought it would be a little easier to find a job here in Salt Lake since there are so many medical facilities, but I'm trying to trust in Heavenly Father and have faith that He has something planned for me. Trust me though, I am definitely enjoying this break from work and school haha. I can already tell how much it is helping my stress levels and health.

My gorgeous and talented yogini sister-in-law Chanel
Speaking of health, Jordan and I have decided to take better care of ourselves. I've been struggling with depression and low self-esteem again so we figured it was time to do something about it. We bought a gym membership and have tried starting a sugar detox (but the holidays certainly don't help with that haha). Thanks to my sister-in-law Chanel, I've started taking a few yoga classes and I love it! I've always wanted to get into yoga more and now I have a chance! Exercise is so much more fun when you actually enjoy what you're doing haha. I'm also anxiously waiting for the Hydroxycut we ordered to see if that will help as well. I've looked into it, read reviews and I'm willing to give it a try. Of course, I'm not going to hurt myself in the process of trying to help myself so I'll be paying close attention to the effects of the supplement. I'm just sick and tired of feeling this way and watching it cause unnecessary problems so I am definitely ready for a change. To be honest, just knowing that there's a possibility that the Hydroxycut could really help me already makes me feel so much better and gives me hope that achieving my goals might actually be possible.
Playing church ball like a stud

*If anyone has any advice or feedback concerning this issue, please share!

Anyway, we had a great first Valentine's Day as a married couple and we're looking forward to our One Year Anniversary coming up in less than two months! I can't believe how fast time has flown. Three of my best friends from high school (shout-out to Megan, Cameron and Connor) have already returned home from their LDS missions, another (Dallin) will return in April, and Alex will be home in July! Life is not slowing down so I guess we better make the most of it, right? I can't wait to see everyone again and reminisce about everything that's happened in the last two years.

After a few recent experiences, I also wanted to give a special shout-out to Jordan for being such a wonderful husband. He not only puts up with my crazy thoughts and emotions, but he works so hard to support my wants and needs on a daily basis. He doesn't complain about hardly anything and he's always putting me first above everything else. Get this, today during his lunch break he even cleaned the bathroom because he promised he would. Does it get any better than that?! He's constantly pushing me to be a better person and inspiring me to be an equal partner in this eternal marriage. I've never met someone who is a better match for me and I couldn't be more grateful for having him in my life. I don't mean to brag (who am I kidding, I do mean to brag haha), but I think he deserves some much-needed recognition just for being himself. I love you Jordan!

 So that's life for us right now. I absolutely love living in Utah. The mountains are gorgeous, there are actually more than two restaurants to choose from, our church ward is great and the history buff in me finds it such a blessing to be surrounded by both church and personal family history. I can't wait to see where life in Utah takes us! 

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