So I just wanted to record a few more "little" things that happened this week.
I guess one of the little things that I really appreciate right now is just having a break from school. Well... kind of. It's hard for me to completely take a break from anything because I'm ALWAYS worrying or stressing about something. Seriously. I can always find something to worry about. And it sucks because then I can't ever completely enjoy something. But that's another story. Anyway, sometimes it's nice to have nothing to do. No plans, no appointments, no promises. It's definitely something everyone should experience because it's good for the mind to s l o w d o w n. Yes, I have nursing assignments and tests to take before the semester starts but I still have 4 weeks and I'm procrastinating as long as possible haha :) So free time is a little thing I'm grateful for.

I'm also grateful for those few solid friends leftover from high school. Bri and I haven't seen each other for over 2 months and yet we got together and acted like it had only been hours since our last adventure (cause trust me, it's always an adventure with Breezy Beezy Buttface. Sorry Bri I couldn't resist). And I'm grateful for the fun traditions we share, like eating fried pickles whenever we get together. I also had the opportunity this week to eat lunch with another friend that I've known since middle school. Melo and I played volleyball and had a TON of classes together since 6th grade.
Honestly, I don't keep in touch with very many "friends" from high school. But these are two ladies I never want to lose (the rest are on missions and I email them every week so don't worry). It was a nice blessing to just catch up on life. She told me all about her adventures in Africa and I told her all about my adventures in Rexburg and Utah.... not really comparable I guess but they still make me happy haha. So good, solid friendships are little things I couldn't live without.

And then there's technology. Really though, I don't know how I would survive. Technology is how Jordan and I built our relationship for heaven's sakes. And that's how we get along when we aren't together. I was able to Skype him a few times this week and text him everyday. Maybe it is just a little thing to be able to communicate with the love of your life 3 states away but I certainly appreciate it. So technology is a little thing I love because it connects me to the people I love. Oh and I also love teasing Jordan about his birthday presents even though his birthday is still a month away. Now he knows what it's like to wait for something you REALLY want... hint hint... haha :)

Another little thing I love is weddings. They're just so happy and full of love. I went to a friend's reception last night (can I also point out that it's really weird that my friends are getting married already? crazy) and it was beautiful. I seriously can't wait to be married to my best friend for eternity and start officially planning the wedding. Attending receptions makes me extremely grateful for the Gospel and the knowledge that I can eventually be sealed to Jordan for time and all eternity. Who wouldn't want that?? But it was nice to visit with good friends and eat good food last night and celebrate with Kaloni as she moves on with new and exciting adventures in life. So love and weddings are little things that make me happy.

Finally, church is a "little" thing I'm grateful for. I actually went to 6 hours of church today because I had three different friends giving their mission farewells. It just reminded me of when Bri was investigating the church 2 years ago and I went to 6 hours of church every week. I absolutely loved it. My entire Sundays were filled with spiritually uplifting lessons and I was so happy. I really can't think of a better place to spend my Sundays than at church with people I love and the Gospel I love. And missionary farewells are so great. I always come away encouraged to be a better missionary and more grateful to belong to this church. And yes that usually involves some crying because the Spirit is really strong. I'm incredibly proud of all my friends (most of them are pictured below) who've chosen to serve missions. I know they will be blessed for their sacrifices. So church is a little thing I've been blessed with.

And that was my week in a nutshell. It's hard to be disappointed with life when you look for the good.
Plus I get to see Jordan in a week so how could I not be happy? God is good :)
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