Today I had to say goodbye AGAIN to my best friend after an amazing week together in Rexburg. (And if you aren't sure how I feel about goodbyes, please refer to my last post). Anyway, this post will thus consist of the little things I'm grateful for that happened this week.

Jordan drove the 3ish hours from Salt Lake City to Rexburg last Monday morning and arrived a little before 2 PM. We just kind of relaxed for awhile and watched TV--specifically the Ellen Show since it's a favorite of mine haha--and then decided to go to a baseball game with my grandparents in Idaho Falls. We ate at Carl's Jr. (a favorite of ours) and then enjoyed the game together (baseball is another favorite we share). Sure, maybe the Chuckars lost 11-4 and maybe they didn't play so well. Oh and I might have also told Jordan that I could throw a baseball faster than him... and then backed out of the challenge because I didn't want to embarrass myself haha. But we had fun and made memories. It's the little things. And that's what matters, right?
Tuesday I made him run errands with me. I needed to pick a few things up from the college so

he probably thought it was torture to walk on the ridiculously strict BYU-Idaho campus. But he's sweet to go with me anyway and support me, even if he doesn't necessarily agree with my choice of schools ;) After that we ate lunch at the hospital. I know that sounds really messed up or strange, but the food is delicious and super cheap! Definitely a good deal. If you ever come to Rexburg, I DARE you to eat there. You'll love it. Anyway, we met up with my aunt who works in the Labor & Delivery department. She gave us a tour and then we talked for awhile. It was great. And I have a lot of good memories about the Madison Memorial Hospital, considering that my Dad worked there, 4 sisters were born there, and my aunt works there. It's a great place. Then we went over to her house, played with the animals (they literally have a farm out there: 2 dogs, 1 goat, 1 bunny, and a million chickens), and played on the Wii where I then proceeded to kick Jordan's butt at Mario Kart. It was great. We also played Super Mario Brothers together as a team. Who knew a little thing like video games would strengthen our relationship? Haha we always have fun together no matter what we're doing. After eating dinner at Pizza Pie Café (also a great deal for a buffet), we walked around the temple together and had some good conversations. It's such a nice "little" blessing to have a beautiful temple so close. I can't wait to go in and receive its promised blessings. Then we finished off the evening with "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone." Hilarious movie for sure.

Wednesday was great too. We spent most of the afternoon in town doing various things. Like going to the DI. That is one of the crazy random things we like doing together. Every couple has something right? It's just fun to build traditions. But I wonder if the workers there ever consider that sometimes people like us come just to laugh at the things we find... oh well haha. We ate lunch at Artic Circle (the place where I first fell in love with fry sauce as a child) and then walked around Nature Park, throwing rocks and mocking the ducks. I also showed him the apartments where my family lived about 15 years ago. Crazy how fast time goes and how many memories you can make in that amount of time. More little things I'm grateful for. Once we got home we started playing volleyball with my cousins using a laundry clothesline but then somehow got involved in a water fight... and of course I came out more soaked than anyone else. But it was fun and another little memory we'll treasure. After cheering on Megan at her soccer game, we went to Costa Vida with Grandma and Grandpa since they were having a BOGO salad deal. And let's be honest, as a poor college student, free deals are little things I genuinely appreciate. Then Jordan and I went to the cheap theater (cheap is also a word I like to hear) and saw "Grown Ups 2." Super super funny. We were definitely laughing. (We also share a love of movies that involve Adam Sandler).

Well, Heavenly Father definitely answered my prayers because Thursday was the day we planned on floating the river and the weather was PERFECT. We even got a little sunburnt. We met Janell, Jason, Kyle, friends Cole and Grady, Megan, Marina and Grandpa at the river in Ashton around 12 and started the float. Jordan and I shared a giant tube tire and it was SO MUCH FUN. Honestly, he makes everything a blast. I've never had so much fun with one person. Overall, we spent about two and a half hours trying to steer with one paddle, avoiding giant rocks (even though I came out with some battle scars on my knee...) aiming for those few wakes that would appear, making up and singing songs, splashing anyone who got close to us, and sneaking in a few kisses when no one was looking. I loved every bit of it. It's also so great to watch Jordan goof around with my family. He fits in so well! That's another little thing I love :) After finishing the float, retrieving the cars and loading everything up, we were starving since we hadn't eaten all day. So we went to Mandarin (our favorite Chinese restaurant in the Burg) and then came home to relax. We watched some TV and then ran to the store to buy ice cream and drinks--another little tradition we have. So that was Thursday!

Friday we had to wake up early since I had an appointment to get the antenna on my car fixed. (About a month ago, I went to a dealership to get an oil change and they broke my antenna off when they were washing the car. So thankfully they were replacing it for free.) We made the appointment early since the guy said it was going to take a few hours to install the antenna... right. But we dropped the car off and then bought donuts for breakfast. Just as we were about to take a little nap (8 o'clock is early for us okay?) the guy calls. 45 minutes after I dropped the car off. A few hours huh? Oh well, it didn't cost anything and I finally had a radio again! Which is a huge little thing I'm grateful for! Then we decided to go fishing.

I caught one right away which was strange for me, and then we picked everyone else up and went to the river. Everyone caught a fish except for Megan and Grandpa. I ended up catching 2 fish and a crawdad haha. But it was still fun! Plus I got to see a side of Jordan I hadn't yet and was really impressed by his knowledge and skills in fishing. He really does fit in with my family. After eating dinner, we went to Jason's and Derek's football jamboree. That was awesome. I'm so proud of my cousins! Then we all came back to the house to Skype with my family since Alex was opening her mission call! We did a four-way Skype call with my family and friends in Richland, in Texas and in Olympia. Let me tell ya, that was crazy. Everyone was talking, making crazy faces, laughing, yelling out their guesses and fighting for attention. So I felt right at home haha. After a long wait, she finally opened it and announced her assignment of Salt Lake City, Utah! Here's the crazy part though: she'll be in Jordan's ward boundaries! He reminded me of something my Dad told him while he was a missionary in Richland. Since my family fed him and his companion dinner quite a few times, my Dad made them promise to feed any of his grandchildren if they ever ended up crossing paths. Well, it looks like he might not have to wait that long haha. Amazing how the Lord works, right? This Gospel is so great and Alex will be a great missionary. We ended the night with a bunch of story-telling and laughing at the ridiculous things my cousins were saying. It was such a good day.

Saturday was his last day in Rexburg. We relaxed a little in the morning, watched some football and then ate lunch at Jack in the Box since he doesn't have any in Salt Lake. After that we went out to my aunt and uncle's and hung out with everyone. We rode the four wheeler together, played some more Mario Kart (where I also kicked his butt), shot the BB gun at random targets and then played some Guitar Hero. We ate dinner at Gringo's, had some more good conversations, and then drove back out to Newdale. By that time, the weather had done a complete 180 and started raining hard, thundering and lightning-ing. It was so cozy. Plus, Jordan and I finally got to kiss in the rain like we had wanted to. (Cheesy, I know, but get over it cause this is my blog.) We also watched Despicable Me together for the first time since Jordan had never seen it! He thought it was pretty cute :) The minions make the movie if you ask me. Then we played some more Guitar Hero and said goodbye to everyone. Love my family. Saturday was filled with a lot of little blessings :)

Well, this morning came and Jordan had to leave early so he could make it on time to teach Elders Quorum in his ward at 1 this afternoon. Talk about dedication! I should have been happy that he was determined to teach and fulfill his calling. To be honest, I wasn't at the moment. I wanted to be selfish and keep him all to myself. But once I wiped away my tears, I realized it was for the best and there's nothing to be too sad about because I'm going to see him again in a few weeks. And my love for him grew stronger because I knew he loved the Lord and wanted to be obedient. Could I ask for a better guy in my life? Let me answer that: NO! I loved this week with him. We had so much fun and made a million and one memories (or more... who knows). And it's only gonna get better :)